17. okt 2024
Klima- og miljødepartementets lokaler, Oslo

Zero Emission Regional Aviation Conference 2024

We are excited to announce the upcoming Zero Emission Regional Aviation Conference (ZERAC24) in Oslo, hosted at the beautiful “Marmorhallen” in the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment.

The urgent need for greener air travel is clear and regional aviation will play a crucial role in early introduction of new technologies and energy carriers. Join us for a full day of inspiring presentations, engaging discussions, and networking opportunities with industry leaders, policymakers, and innovators committed to a sustainable future in aviation.

As previous iterations of ZERAC this event will gather international stakeholders from across the aviation ecosystem and adjacent industry, all of whom can contribute to accelerating the green transition. You can expect sessions on technology status, energy- and infrastructure solutions, the financing of the green transition as well as market potential.

Furthermore there will be a focus on innovative regulatory frameworks, including plans for developing test arenas and regulatory sandbox environments, to facilitate the green transition.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Welcome by Abraham Foss, CEO of Avinor
  • Keynote by Jon-Ivar Nygård, Norwegian Minister of Transport on the Norwegian government's vision and commitment to zero-emission aviation.

More details and registration information will follow soon.